Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Entrevista Radial

El Instituto y el Maestro Dieppa se enfocan en el desarrollo de tus habilidades con relación a la espiritualidad, auto-sanación, sanación de otros, Yoga, meditación, y la sintonización de tu cuerpo a la energía universal Reiki para que la puedas reincorporar en tu diario vivir.

Ven, exploramos el significado de la Unidad  
y nuestra relación con el universo.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Tonight I became a Shriner!

I will start this note with the proper salutation for the event: Selam aleikum!” - which means, “Peace be with you!”  I am proud of all my accomplishments as a travelling man (Freemason), but tonight, I became part of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S.) for North America, better know as the Shrine, and that is very, very special to me. I am so proud that I just walked across the cold sands-ceremony. TRANSLATION, I became a Shriner… so I join the Shriners International - Kena Temple/Mosque in the Oasis of Fairfax, Desert of Virginia! In 9-12-2011 it was my first meeting as a Noble! I joined the shrine to help and to support a running network of more than 20 hospitals that offer special treatment for children at no cost. Seriously, at no cost. For more information, or to request the support of the shrine visit our site: http://www.kena.org/about.htm.

What is a Shriner? Is the type of organization that attracts some of the best physicians, nurses, lawyers, professional, politicians, truck drivers, dentists, contractors, heads of state, movie stars, generals, clergymen and accountants!

Yes, we are the guys who have those parades with the wild costumes and funny little cars; yes we are the guys who wear those funny red hats. Each has experienced an aspect of Shrinedom. By the way, the shrine is consider the World's Greatest Philanthropy enterprise.

On my first meeting and since the moment I got to the Shrine/Temple I felt like I was home!  The camaraderie, deep friendships, good fellowship and great times shared by all Shriners make me feel like I was home... You may not know that all Shriners share a Masonic heritage: Each is a Master Mason in the Freemasonry Society.
There is approximately 400,000 of us, “Shriners” today!  We gather in chapters, throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and the Republic of Panama. There are 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children providing care for orthopaedic conditions, burns, spinal cord injuries, and cleft lip and palate. These hospitals have helped approximately 835,000 children — at no cost to parent or child — since the first Shriners Hospital opened in 1922. I will like to say thank to my brother, Noble-Carl Weaver for his support and for the opportunity to serve in this capacity!

Monday, August 29, 2011


Namaste! Felicito al hermoso grupo de seres de luz que se dio cita en el hogar de unos amigos los cuales tienen su propia practica Reiki para llevar acabo el taller Okuden Nivel 2 Reiki. El propósito de dicha reunión fue redescubrir y aumentar sus habilidades de estar mas cerca a la Deidad mediante la energía Reiki. Es importante notar que ni el Huracan Irene pudo cancelar este taller.... Nosotros no buscamos a Reiki, Reiki y su inteligencia nos busca a nosotros!

Teoria y Practica de los Simbolos

Que es Reiki? La práctica de Reiki no es un credo o creencia, consiste en la sintonización y luego una canalización de Energía Universal para armonizar el cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu, creando una persona sana y equilibrada. Esto se hace en un periodo extenso de tiempo por donde el estudiante (neófito) logra progresar por los estados de Shoden (Nivel 1), Okuden (Nivel 2), Shin piden (Nivel 3) y por ultimo alcanzan la Maestría y pedagojia del arte, conocida como Gokuikaiden (Nivel 4).

El Reiki y sus usos puede ser específicos o generales pera su resultado desarrolla una armonía inmediata la cual es evidenciada por cada uno de los estudiantes en diferentes formas. Este taller nos ofreció diferentes aplicaciones por las cuales podemos usar Reiki con nosotros mismos o a otros. Cualquier persona puede practicar Reiki, no es un "don" especial para privilegiados.

Reiki es un método práctico y eficaz para sentir amor incondicional, es esto lo que nos lleva mas cerca a la realización y a la sanación. El sentirte feliz, mediante la canalización de "energía universal" o en otros términos, el disfrutar de la energía del amor puro. Lo más útil es que no sólo puedes recibir tratamientos de Reiki durante el taller sino que aprendes a practicarlo contigo mismo, desarrollando la habilidad en tus propias manos, mentes y espíritu.
Tecnicas en grupo

Reiki es un sistema de sanación procedente de una técnica ancestral (Tíbet, India) que consiste en canalizar la energía Universal a través de las manos, y fue redescubierto por el Sensei Dr. Mikao Usui a finales del siglo XIX en Japón. La palabra Reiki significa energía. En el Rei: La energía Universal que existe en todo lo que nos rodea y en el Ki: la energía vital personal. Sinónimos del Ki: Chi en China, Prana en India, Ka en Egipto, El espíritu Santo en la Biblia, Orgon o Neuma en Grecia.

Según las escuelas antiguas de la India cuyo origen se remonta a miles de años antes del redescubrimiento de la técnica en Japón, el Señor Shiva lo trajo al planeta y lo puso en el sistema genético de los humanos. El Buda lo descubrió y el maestro de los maestros el Señor Jesús el Cristo (Sananda, IssA) fue adiestrado en el Tíbet durante el periodo de su vida conocido como “los años perdidos de Jesús”.

Si, la técnica fue redescubierta en Japón para uso clínico-holístico. Desde su introducción en occidente, millones de personas han aprendido a usar Reiki para su propia salud y bienestar físico, mental y emocional. Lo importante es que no es un don especial, sino una técnica que cualquier persona puede practicar.

Reiki como un experimento personal 

Este fin de semana los estudiantes se graduaron del nivel II.  Ellos recibieron la sintonía Okuden (Nivel 2), experimentaron diferentes formas de trasmisión de la energía Reiki, como en grupo o individual y las instrucciones referentes a ese nivel. Las experiencias fueron extraordinarias y gracias a la bendición de los planos divinos todos se fueron llenos de bendiciones y amor incondicional, de la forma única que Reiki ofrece.
El taller les ofreció muchas herramientas entre ellas como trabajar con las causas de problemas, como romper las barreras del tiempo y espacio para corregir traumas, traer armonía y resolver conflictos o patrones de conductas negativas, la técnica de sanación a distancia y otras técnicas avanzadas.

Además, los estudiantes son introducidos a los pilares de Reiki los cuales son las meditaciones Gassho y Reiji-Ho y Chiryo. Previo al taller algunos estudiantes nos pidieron que les interesaba la posibilidad de que repasáramos mucho del contenido en el currículo de enseñanza “Usui Shiki Ryoho”, y además que incorporara un segmento para recibir alineamientos para los estudiantes que ya habían recibido previamente la sintonización correspondiente a su grado, esto fue lo que nos llevo a tener un hermoso taller este fin de semana.

El propósito de la re-sintonización (re-iniciación) es aumentar el nivel vibratorio del individuo mediante la sintonía. Además,  permite "revivir" el evento que para los alumnos y para el Maestro es tan bonito, también nos permite volver a vernos, cosa que siempre me agrada!

Les recuerdo que el proceso de Reiki no termina en la conclusión del taller, en realidad es solo el comienzo de una nueva etapa en su vida. Les recomiendo que sean constantes en la aplicación de su meditación y el Autotratamiento por el ciclo de los próximos 21 días. Recuerde dar gracias a la Divinidad por sus nuevas habilidades, mantenga su cuerpo hidratado, haga ejercicio para mantener el Ki activo, ria muchos y disfrute ser feliz, el amor es la llave a la felicidad, practíquemoslo.  Mantén el control de tu salud física, emocional y espiritual, a la misma ves reduce tu estrés y expande tu habilidad de amar. “El Amor es la  clave de la felicidad”.
Clase Okuden (Nivel 2) 

Interesados en recibir sesiones Reiki o en recibir un taller Reiki nos pueden llámar al 571 426-8863 o escríbenos a dieppabryan@yahoo.com.

Agradezco la participación de cada estudiante y la oportunidad de servir a estos, le envío mucho amor a Ana María y a su Esposo por permitirnos compartir en su hogar y en lo especial a Danilu por ser los organizadores del taller. Muchas bendiciones para cada uno de ustedes.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



El sexo es uno de los misterios mas discutidos en la historia de la humanidad. Es el acto en que creamos otro ser humano con los mismos potenciales que los nuestro. Pero esa energía que tiene el poder de crear a otro ser esta limitada a eso? Las religiones han ocultado el secreto de la energía sexual o diríamos la han codificado. Desde la Biblia hasta el Coran han hablado de la manera de volver a conectarnos con lo divinidad a través de la energía sexual.

Las serpientes del caduceo se han visto en diferentes culturas y épocas referenciado la misma energía y como ella despierta en nosotros lo que nos fue dado una vez. Ahora todo es más difícil por que conocemos lo bueno y lo malo. Por que conocemos el fruto prohibido del orgasmo y dominar a este instinto animal, que ha echo que imperios como Roma sucumbiera, nos exige voluntad de acero.

Esta obra de arte sobre la energía sexual y la interpretación de la simbología en todas las religiones incluyendo la cristiana. Es uno que no debes dejar de ver. De muy buen gusto con información neutral nos muestra el sol tal y como es. Aquellos que quieran saber que significa el génesis, el éxodo, Jesús y la samaritana, quien fue Maria Magdalena no deben de dejar de ver este documental. Aquellos que quieran saber que realmente es el tantra como se despierta la kundalini es requisito obligado que le dediquen el tiempo para ver esta obra de arte que habla sobre el Arcano una de las herramientas mas poderosas de realización.

P.S. No es en español lamentablemente pero entendemos que la información es sumamente valiosa. Espero nos disculpen por el inconveniente.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Que es el ego y como eliminarlo

Este artículo esta dividido en 2 partes, la primera expone que es el ego, en la segunda se hablara del aspecto practico de la eliminación del ego.

Según la definición bajo los preceptos de la metafísica “El ego” es una constante recomposición psicológica de la realidad; es, por tanto, falsedad (engaño). Cada pensamiento es compuesto por energía en forma de vibración, indiferentemente de su origen, estado o intención (buena o mala). Momento a momento día a día el ego desarrolla estados psicológicos que son reflejados o afectan nuestra relación habitual. El ego se encuentra en cada pensamiento y se esconde en toda las acciones que tomamos. Solo cuando trabajamos por subir nuestro nivel de conciencia y reducir la influencia del mismo (EGO) logramos identificar y disminuir su influencia; observando la situación posteriormente obtenemos control de lo que esta ocurriendo.

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El ego es una división y se produce porque implicamos energías que crean naturalezas divisoras. Todo es creado con dos propósitos, con dos energías (hombre y la mujer). El real ser y el ego so ejemplo de esto. Es obvio que como individuo no nacemos conscientes de los procesos de la autorrealización, o de los parámetros que facilitan o limitan al ego.

En cada vertiente psicológicos, metafísica y o espiritual vemos que las enseñanzas identifican métodos por la cual podemos lograr la eliminación del ego. Muchos Maestros y eruditos en el tema han explicado bajo diversos puntos de vista este argumento. La necesidad de eliminar todos y cada uno de nuestros egos o yoes (defectos psicológicos) es necesaria hoy mas que nunca. Todos queremos encontrar la auténtica felicidad y la tan esperada paz interiores.

El énfasis puesto en esa “muerte psicológica” de nuestros egos, puede resultar llamativa para el estudiante esoterista o para el amante de la psicología contemporánea. Todos estamos acostumbrado a que se nos hable de amor, paz, felicidad. Pero de lo contrario solo algunos estamos acostumbrados a recibir comentarios en el ámbito de la necesidad de eliminar aquello que nos limita y impide que lo mejor de cada uno de nosotros pueda ser descubierto.

Ahora los que han estudiado estos temas en las diferentes doctrinas filosóficas, medicas o practicas saben la importancia de la eliminación del ego. En lo religioso o espiritual tanto los textos judíos del cabala, budistas e hinduistas como también las enseñanzas cristianas esotéricas o sufíes insisten en este punto. En la medicina muchos en el pasado y hoy nos hablan que todos los que aspiramos al desarrollo y al máximo uso de nuestras habilidades, o los que de esta forma buscamos la alta espiritualidad debemos practicar como lo hicieron tantos Maestros antes que nosotros. El ego es lo que nos previene a  descubrir nuestro real potencial. Usemos la analogía del Cristo cuando el mismo expulsa y castiga a los mercaderes del templo. Esos mercaderes simbolizan los diferentes egos y sus efectos; el efecto de dichos controlan las acciones y nuestra misma personalidad.

 El V. M. Samael Aun Weor nos explica:

Recordemos que para cultivar nuestra tierra interior, debemos primero eliminar la mala hierba, debemos enterrar profundamente el arado, removiendo aquello que debe ser removido y eliminando lo que debe eliminarse. Sólo así nuestra siembra dará buena cosecha. Y según nos afirman las mismas enseñanzas cristianas, el vino nuevo, aquel que es producto de la transmutación, no se echa en odres viejos (los viejos esquemas en los que se apoya el ego).

Como todo en esta vida el trabajo que se presenta en este articulo es arduo y difícil. Y la teoría siempre es más fácil que la practica. La desintegración de nuestros defectos (odios, miedos, ignorancia) esta técnica propone un trabajo constante y permanente que demanda nuestra mejor actitud, perseverancia y voluntad en cada esfuerzo. Somos quien decimos querer ser cuando demostramos en los momentos difíciles con nuestras acciones lo que somos. Todos los días podemos liberarnos de la dualidad que nos afecta, sólo a través de este trabajo el ser humano se libera, y consigue la auténtica felicidad y paz.

Les pido aquellos que predica el amor, la alegría, la paz, que practiquen esta práctica.

Recuerda, las palabras unen, las acciones transforman; El amor se siente, las palabras se escuchan. La muerte psicológica es la plataforma por donde los estudiantes de la metafísica construimos aquel edificio de preceptos, acciones y valores. El amor es uno de los materiales por los cuales edificamos estos edificios o templo alegóricos.

La disolución de todos esos Agregados Psíquicos constituye el Ego mismo. El ego se precipita si sabemos aprovechar hasta el máximo cada experiencia o aun en la peor de las adversidades que nos distinguen. Los difíciles gimnasios psicológicos en el hogar o en la calle o en el trabajo, nos ofrecen siempre las mejores oportunidades para mejorar quienes somos.

No estamos diciendo que este trabajo es solo anhelar por el logro de muchas virtudes.  El control de los defectos es superficial y esto solo nos lleva a otro estado irreal que es temporero y que nos lleva al fracaso. Solo la eliminación nos permite mejorar. Gente, observemos el mundo, lo que nos esta afectando, lo que nos sucede, lo que estamos haciendo.

Cambios superficiales de nada sirven, necesitamos con urgencia observar, evaluar y  cambiar; Comprensión es lo primero, eliminación lo segundo... recuerda las palabras son bonitas las acciones nos transforman.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

El EGO-adversario, Judas y Jesus

Como siempre, esta nota es producto de una conversación con un buen amigo... La traición de Judas a Jesús es una historia que muchos de nosotros sabemos, pero tal vez no entendemos a su plenitud todavía! Muchas veces nos fijamos en la historia desde un punto de vista cristiano-convencional! Tenga en cuenta que las palabras escritas en la Biblia hoy en día fueron escritos en arameo, luego traducido a muchos idiomas provisionales, después al griego, al Judío-una lengua que deriva del arameo, de Egipto, el latín, al francés, y más tarde a Inglés Antiguo. Estos versos no eran aptos para mostrar o estar discutiendo sin una comprensión de la antropología de la sociedad y la comunidad que producen estas palabras. Por lo tanto, sin ningún medio de ofender a nadie estas palabras no se reúnen para leer o escribir, y mucho menos predicar por personas que no fueron iniciados en las escuelas de los misterios mayores y menores!

Sí, los escritores originales (Escribas) de la colección original llamado "La Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi" o mejor conocido como los "Rollos del Mar Muerto" se pueden leer y encontrar en la Biblioteca de Nag Hammadi www.gnosis.org / naghamm / NHL. html. Esta personas muchos de ellos, si no todos eran miembros de los "esenios", de la comunidad y entre ellos estaba el Maestro Ascendido Sananda, Yeshua, Jesús o Issa Estos son todos los nombres de los que la Fraternidad Universal Blanca, Judios, los egipcios y de las comunidades árabes lo llaman y llamaron, es posible que sólo lo conocemos como Jesús, el hijo de Dios.

En el cañón tradicional de la Biblia, Judas es una alegoría, que sirve para explicar la ilusión de los procesos de la mente y la acción mediante el uso de las enseñanzas secretas de Jesús. La eliminación de nuestro "ego" o como ellos lo llaman "Satanás". Sí, Satanás no la figura de los cuernos grandes, que parece una cabra de cuernos rojo, con cola, pero como se lo tradujo en arameo el idioma hablado por Jesús, que significa "el adversario y el opuesto" no la figura angelical caída! O mejor dicho en nuestro idioma el  “enemigo o lo contrario” cualquier cosa que es lo opuesto, en esencia!

Vamos a retornar al tema de Judas ... nuestra respuesta al abuso infantil revela nuestro terror colectivo en la cara del tema y es reconocido como la misma traición. Pero, ¿existe una alternativa a este punto de vista?

En los días de hoy, en el miércoles de la semana de la Santa, la lectura del Evangelio narra la historia de la traición de Judas a Jesús. La amistad entre los dos es conmovedora según lo destacó la narrativa. Vemos a un Judas mojando su pan en el plato de Jesús mientras ellos cenan juntos. Ellos son compañeros en el sentido más fuerte de la palabra, los que comparten el pan (en latín, panis) entre sí. Peor aún, el propio acto de traición pervierte un símbolo profundo de la amistad, porque Judas identifica a Jesús como amigo no como su enemigo por lo que le saludó con un beso. La respuesta de Jesús revela sus emociones en conflicto de la ternura y el dolor.

"No es de extrañar que Judas se convirtió en una figura de odio, ya que todos tenemos miedo de ser traicionado. Demonizando a los culpables, podemos fingir que no son de nuestra propia especie.

En los evangelios, sin embargo, es evidente que Judas no era un extraño, sino un miembro de alto plano y estatus como parte de los doce elegidos. El 12 es una ilusión para su posición en relación a los “12 signos de las eras”, además al sumo sacerdote o los seleccionados del "circulo interno" de la orden de esa región. Él estaba allí con Jesús y los otros (12) desde el principio. Incluso después de su muerte, es recordado por Pedro como el apóstol: "Él fue uno de los nuestros y obtuvo un puesto en este ministerio."

El verdadero Judas no llevaba el rostro del mal, o vestía túnicas amarillas, no era un enemigo desde el principio. Judas era una figura en la Biblia que representaba mas que a un personaje real, sino a una gran alegoría universal del bien y el mal en nosotros, por lo que Satanás fue y se (apodero) hizo cargo de sus acciones.
Cuando pienso en esto me acuerdo de las palabras de muchos maestro "Sólo el ego puede ser tocado". Nuestro espíritu es santo y es intocable! Mientras que el ego es muy delicado. Si alguien simplemente te mira de una manera determinada, no tu pero el ego te enojas y se siente tocado. ES TAN IMPORTANTE QUE RECONOSCAMOS ESTA Y DIFERENCIAS. Él Real Ser no ha hecho nada, pero el EGO si. Si alguien sonríe un poco, se molesta, y si alguien simplemente gira la cabeza y no te mira, se molesta. En muchas ocasiones nos enojamos en nuestros días, pero ¿por qué? ¿Sabes? ¿Quién está en control, / nuestro EGO o como la parte sagrada de la creación de Dios (REAL SER)?

Él (ego) es como una herida que está abierta. Lo tocas y se presenta el dolor. Muchas veces con sólo el susurro en el oído de una sola palabra, o un solo gesto y YA está loco! Estas acciones de (EGO) se convierten en una energía que da órdenes y afecta a nuestro sistema nervioso y a nuestra voluntad.

Ja, ja, ja, y Samper le echan la culpa a los demás y somos nosotros mismos los creadores de la gran parte de nuestros dolores de cabeza.

Con el ego todo tu ser es una herida. Nadie está interesado en hacerte daño, nadie es quiere hacerte daño, todo el mundo se dedica a la protección de su propia herida. Pero aún así sucede, porque usted está tan dispuesto a ser herido, así que listo, sólo esperando a punto para cualquier cosa. Bueno, vamos a tomar el control y vamos a detenerlo hoy!

Cuando empezamos en el camino espiritual de iluminar reconocemos al TAO / DAO o la filosofía que existe en secreto en toda la creación! Cuando vivimos en esta práctica nos damos cuenta de lo que está pasando y esto nos permite ser intocables! ¿Por qué? - Porque no hay nadie que lo toquen. No hay ninguna herida. Está sano, sano y completo.

"Toda" esta palabra es bella, es poderosa y nos da poder para tomar el control, a amar un poco más y vivir un montón libre de controles externos. 'Sanar' la palabra viene de "todo", y "sagrado" la palabra también viene de "todo". Él es todo, sano y santo.

Sea consciente de su herida (del ego). No lo ayudes a crecer. Cuanto más controlamos y estamos claros que es el ego quien esta actuando es más fácil dirigir y controlar nuestro día y nuestras vidas. Asi la herida del ego ya no afecta nuestra mente y cabeza, resultado  la herida se cura - sin ego no hay mas herida. Vivir una vida sin ego es moverse como un ser total, y aceptar las cosas, tal como son. Por lo tanto, este proceso permite la eliminación del ego en un proceso lento, pero paso a paso se va callando al viejo Satán en nosotros. Acordaos de la palabra de Satanás (en hebreo: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satán), "el acusador", es el título de diversas entidades, tanto humano como divino, que ponen en duda la fe de los seres humanos en la Biblia hebrea. En el cristianismo y el Islam el título se convirtió en un nombre personal, y "Satanás" ha cambiado de un acusador nombrado por Dios para probar la fe de los hombres con el jefe de los ángeles rebeldes caídos ("el diablo" en el cristianismo, "Shaitan" en árabe, el término utilizado por los árabes cristianos y musulmanes). En otras palabras, hay muchas formas de ego o de ángeles caídos (EGOS).

Satanás no es el ángel caído, pero es la parte mala en ti y en mí y sino hacemos algo  siempre nos está afectando.

¿Te llame la atención con el tema! Ahora, permítanme explicar lo que quiero decir con eso.

En el siglo 7 AC Esarhadden el emperador asirio, llevó a las tribus de Israel cautivos a Asiria. En ese momento Samaria y Galilea fueron repobladas con los asirios, para que el norte del emperio adoptare el arameo como la lengua de esa región. Antes de Nabucodonosor conquistó Judea, el idioma asirio, el cual se extendido y se hablaba en todas partes.

2 Reyes 18: 26 dice: "Entonces dijo Eliaquim hijo de Hilcías, y Sebna y Joa, al Rabsaces: Habla, te ruego, a tus siervos en arameo, porque nosotros lo entendemos, y no hables con nosotros en el lenguaje judíos en los oídos de la gente que está en la pared. "

Alrededor de 480 a. de JC Nabucodonosor llevó a Judá lejos en la cautividad babilónica. Durante su estancia en Babilonia, se les olvidó el idioma hebreo, y es así como el arameo  se convirtió en su lenguaje cotidiano. Los estudiosos nos dicen que hay algunas diferencias en el dialecto arameo entre el Norte y el Sur, por lo que algunos de los Judios que hablaban el arameo del Sur no siempre entienden las parábolas de Jesús, que creció hablando el arameo del Norte. Imagínate los que hablaban griego o Frances o ingles!

Desde el principio, todas las escrituras sagradas eran en arameo. El hebreo es un dialecto del arameo tarde. Los primeros cinco libros de la Biblia, el Pentateuco o Torah, no fueron escritos hasta el tiempo del cautiverio en Babilonia, 500-600 AC y están escritas en arameo, luego traducido al hebreo. Moisés tampoco fue el autor de ellas, que ya estaba muerto para el momento en que fueron escritos. En el siglo tercero antes de Cristo las escrituras fueron traducidas al griego porque los Judios de Alejandría no podían entender el arameo, y así se perdió mucho de su misma cultura. Una vez hecho esto, muchos de los significados de los idiomas se han perdido.

Los modismos son un problema para el estudiante de cualquier lengua extranjera. Tenemos una gran cantidad de expresiones en Inglés que dan a los estudiantes extranjeros problemas. Arameo, como la mayoría de los idiomas, tiene muchos idiomas. Cuando la traducción se hizo del arameo al griego, los que hablaban griego no entendían los idiomas y sus significados, así se perdieron su esencia y o fueron mal interpretadas.

En Santiago 1:04, que dice: "Mas tenga la paciencia su obra completa, para que seáis perfectos y cabales, sin faltar nada." En este versículo, la paciencia es una personalidad. Se refiere a como ella. Ahora nadie podría creer que este verso de alguna manera está dando a entender que la paciencia es una persona real, divino o de lo contrario. Es sólo una forma de hablar, dar personalidad a un concepto o un conjunto de ideas.

Otro ejemplo es Proverbios 01:23. "La sabiduría lloraba sin, que pronunció su voz en las calles." Aquí la sabiduría se le da una personalidad, una mujer, y es incluso a entender que se le da movimiento y una voz.

Esta tradición de dar personalidad a un concepto o idea es de uso frecuente en la escritura oriental. Nos olvidamos de que el cristianismo y la Biblia son de origen oriental y su influencia. Estamos orgullosos de ser el cristianismo "occidental" y nos fijamos en todo lo oriental como paganos, o cerca de ella. Y ESTO ES UN HORROR Y GRAN ERROR.

Tenemos que darnos cuenta de que el cristianismo es una religión oriental. La iglesia occidental, en muchos casos, el cristianismo cambió en algo que ni siquiera se parece a los originales.

Ahora, me han dado los dos ejemplos anteriores para mostrar cómo las figuras de dicción se pueden utilizar de una manera que no es literal, y dan personalidad a un concepto. En la lengua original aramea, que Jesús hablaba y entendía, y que era comúnmente hablado en la época de Cristo, la palabra Satanás era considerado una figura retórica, una personalidad que se le dio a un concepto, el concepto de mala intención o de la oposición.

SATANÁS NO era considerado como un ser real. Por ejemplo, Lucas 10:18, en el que Jesús dice "Yo veía a Satanás caer como un rayo del cielo," los idiomas arameo sería traducir el concepto de Satanás caer del cielo como el "mal destruido." La palabra Satanás en sí misma significa "a la diapositiva, para engañar, para deslizarse;. Errar el blanco" En otras palabras, Jesús estaba diciendo que su llegada ha destruido el concepto de pecado y del mal.

La palabra cielos o el reino de los cielos se refieren a la mente y el estado de la concisión.

Isaías 53:5 dice que cuando Jesús vino, se le quitaría el pecado y la maldad. Cuando llegó, cambió nuestra comprensión del pecado. Estamos acostumbrados a pensar en el pecado como delito, como el mal, como transgresión de la ley. Jesús vino para llevar y cumplir la ley para que el pecado ya no sea delito. Él vino a demostrar que si pensamos en nuestros errores en ese sentido, bien podríamos estar viviendo bajo la ley de la condena. Él destruyó el pecado .... que cambiar nuestra visión de por qué tenemos que cometer errores y lo que logran. Así como la trata de nuestra fe produce paciencia, todos los retos que debemos afrontar es una oportunidad para aprender.

Recuerde que en este universo, para cada acción hay una reacción igual. La Escritura llama a esto la ley de siembra y cosecha. "Pero esto digo: El que siembra escasamente, también segará escasamente, y el que siembra con generosidad también con generosidad cosechará" (2 Corintios 9:6). Este versículo nos enseña que cada acción que tomamos tiene una consecuencia. Que se cosecha lo que siembra. Si usted está involucrado en una situación difícil, la acción que usted tome determinará la consecuencia que debe soportar. Su castigo por la elección de un "mal" curso de acción tiene que vivir con las consecuencias. Sin embargo, no importa qué curso de acción que usted elija, siempre existe la iluminación en el final, porque se aprende algo.

El infierno no era también un lugar literal en arameo. En Mateo 5:22, "el fuego del infierno" se traduce como "sufrimiento mental". En Mateo 16:18, "las puertas del infierno" se traduce como "fuerzas del mal, o la oposición." Seol se traduce simplemente como "un lugar de descanso para los muertos", pero no un lugar de tormento. El infierno se utiliza para referirse a lo que se experimenta en la tierra, el sufrimiento mental que acompaña a tomar decisiones equivocadas. De esta manera, el "castigo" por nuestros pecados es la consecuencia de nuestras propias acciones. No debemos temer esta se llevará a cabo en contra de nosotros en el más allá, porque estamos recibiendo el castigo por ahora.

"De cierto, de cierto os digo: El que oye mi palabra y cree al que me envió, tiene vida eterna, y no vendrá a condenación,. Sino que ha pasado de muerte a la vida cierto, de cierto os digo: usted, la hora viene, y ahora es, cuando los muertos oirán la voz del Hijo de Dios: y los que la oigan vivirán Porque como el Padre tiene vida en sí mismo, así también ha dado al Hijo el tener vida. en sí mismo, y le dio autoridad de hacer juicio, porque él es el Hijo del Hombre No os asombréis de esto, porque viene la hora, en el que todos los que están en los sepulcros oirán su voz, y saldrán. , los que hicieron lo bueno, saldrán a resurrección de vida, y los que hicieron lo malo, a resurrección de condenación "(Juan 5:24-29).

Una vez más, esta es una resurrección espiritual, no una resurrección física. El cuerpo mismo no va a salir de la tumba. Después de la muerte, el espíritu tendrá otra vida. Si hemos aprendido las lecciones que deben aprender, pasamos a otra dimensión de la existencia, una vida mejor. Si no hemos aprendido las lecciones que estamos destinados a aprender, debemos permanecer en esta dimensión de la existencia y la repetición de la vida hasta que aprendamos las lecciones de ella.
De acuerdo a Hebreos 10:14, cuando Jesús hizo el sacrificio de venir aquí y disfrutar de todo lo que hicimos, y sacrificó su vida para mostrarnos el camino, que nos hizo perfectos ya, incluso si no lo hacemos todo bien. La última parte del versículo, sin embargo, indica que nuestra vida aquí en la tierra sigue siendo un proceso que nos perfecciona, o nos acerca a la perfección ya ha concedido. Es un poco como esto ..... vamos a decir que se estableció contacto con un día y le dijo que acababa de ser descubierto con el heredero al trono de un país en particular. Se mudó a ese país, y se les dio el poder, posición y riqueza merecida por una persona real. Sin embargo, a pesar de que ya tenía la posición dada a usted, usted no tenía ni idea de cómo actuar el papel. No sabía cómo un rey debe actuar, o lo que los deberes de un rey, en realidad, etc. Así que a pesar de que había dado el lugar, había que aprender a caminar en su posición. Eso es lo que hacemos todos los días. No se puede perder .... no hay infierno ..... pero podemos estar condenados a una vida de sufrimiento mental debido a las consecuencias de nuestras acciones. Sin embargo, si creemos en Jesús, podemos caminar como él y aprender a perfeccionar la santidad ya ha puesto en nosotros, que ha estado dentro de nosotros desde nuestra creación.

Mi esperanza es que cada persona va a dejar de preocuparse por Satanás, el pecado y el infierno. Esto realmente libera a la persona para hacer buenas obras por las razones correctas y no por el miedo. Sino porque es lo correcto y lo que la Deidad espero de nosotros. También espero que la gente vaya y estudie este tema mas afondo, vaya y lean a la eminencia en el tema Flavio Josephus y vera. Recuerde, la Biblia está escrita en un estilo oriental, con la influencia de todas las creencias y las costumbres orientales. Sólo las personas de Occidente que han interpretado la Biblia en un estilo de condena


Sólo trata de estar conciente del origen de tus acciones, comentarios y sentir. En el futuro podrás alargarlo por largos periodos. La aceptación total es la gran meta, suceda lo que suceda. Sea usted mismo, la persona que usted es digno de ser. No otra persona! Si alguien te insulta, acéptalo, no reacciones, observa lo que sucede. De repente sentirás una energía que fluye en ti que no has sentido antes. Y estarás en control no tu ego.

Las personas pueden perder su vida en una pequeña cosa, sólo porque alguien les insultó.
No ayudes a esta herida (el ego) en su crecimiento. No dañes tu alma. Ve a las raíces, esta conectado con el todo (la Deidad). Durante veinticuatro horas, trate de no reaccionar, no para rechazar, suceda lo que suceda.

Nadie más puede destruirnos, sólo nosotros mismos, sí, usted, y yo, nadie más puede, a menos que usted y yo lo permitamos. Usted es el Judas y tú eres el Jesús, somos ángeles y demonios, CUAL VA A SER TU DECISION, ESCOGE que vas a decidir ser hoy?

Cuando estés de pie delante de Dios, usted no puede decir: "Pero otros me dijeron que estaba bien hacer esto," o que la virtud no era conveniente en ese momento. Esto no será suficiente. Recuerde que. Un rey puede mover a un hombre, un padre puede reclamar a un hijo, pero SOLO el hombre puede moverse a sí mismo, y sólo entonces el hombre realmente comenzara su propia vida o juego. Recuerde que sea cual sea que se juegan o se vive! O por quién, se vive, su alma es responsable… a pesar de que aquellos que presumen ser reyes que juegan a ser hombres de poder.

Un mundo mejor que se ha visto nunca nos espera… Un reino SOLO lleno de conciencia. Un reino de los cielos, nos espera... Tú y yo no somos lo que nacimos para ser, más lo que tienes en ti mismo ser. Lo que quieres ser y puedes ser. "Solo una luz brilla entre un millar de estrellas. Solo se requiere un alma para animar a todos los hombres. "Vamos  olvides y busquemos la sabiduría sagrada y no la del mundo ... aprendamos que sólo la verdad hace rico y poderoso. "Nada te va a traer la paz a tu Corazón si tú no la traes a ti mismo. Nada va a traer la paz sino el triunfo cuando practicamos los principios sagrados.


Judas, Jesus and the adversary-EGO!

As always this note is product of an earlier conversation with a good friend... The betrayal of Judas to Jesus is a story that many of us know but maybe we DO NOT UNDERSTAND TO ITS FULL yet! Many times we look at this story from a conventional Christian point of view! Keep in mind that the words as written in the bible today were written in Aramaic, later translated to many provisional languages, later to Greek, to Jew a language that derives from Aramaic, to Egyptian, Latin, to French, and later to OLD English. These verses were never meet to be display or to be discussing without an understanding of the anthropology of the society and community that produce these words. So, without any means of offending anybody these words were not meet to be written or read and much less preach by persons that were not initiated!

Yes, the original  writers (scribes) of the ORIGINAL collection called the “The Nag Hammadi Library" or better known as the “Dead Sea Scrolls " can be read and found on the Nag Hammadi Library www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html. This persons were members of the "ESSENES" community and among them was Ascended Master Sananda,Yeshua, Issa or Jesus this are all the names that the White Universal Brotherhood, Jews, Egyptians and Arabs communities call HIM, who you may only know as Jesus the son of God’s.

In the traditional cannon of the Bible, Judas is an allegory, used to explain the processes were and when by using the secret teachings of Jesus we eliminated our "EGO" or as they call it "SATAN". Yes, Satan not the horn red guys, but as is it translated in ARAMAIC the language spoken by Jesus, it means "The adversary and dissevers" not evil! Or better say in our English the enemy or anything that is the opposite!

Back to JUDAS… our response to child abuse reveals our collective terror in the face of betrayal. But is there an alternative?

Today, on the Wednesday of Holy Week, the Gospel reading tells the story of Judas's betrayal of Jesus. The friendship between the two is poignantly emphasized in the narrative. Judas dips his bread into the dish with Jesus while they eat supper together. They are companions in the strongest sense of the word, those who share bread (in Latin, panis) with one another. Worse still, the very act of betrayal perverts a deep symbol of friendship; for Judas identifies Jesus to his enemies by greeting him with a kiss. Jesus's response reveals his conflicting emotions of tenderness and hurt: "Friend, do the thing for which you have come.

"It is not surprising that Judas became a figure of hate, for we are all afraid of being betrayed. By demonizing the guilty parties, we can pretend that they are not of our own kind.

In the gospels, however, it is clear that Judas was not an outsider, but a full member of the chosen twelve. The 12 is an illusion to the high priest or selected ones in the top ranking 12 of the order for that region. He was there with Jesus and the others from the start. Even after his death, he is remembered by Peter as an apostle: "He was numbered among us and received his share in this ministry."

The real Judas didn't wear an evil face, or striking yellow robes; he wasn't an enemy from the beginning. JUDAS WAS ONE OF US. His figure in the bible represented not a real character but an allegory of the evil in us; therefore SATAN was and took charge or his actions. NOT the horn guy but his evil actions, his evil part of him that lives in side of us!
When we walk the Way of Yeshua we understand that “Only the ego can be touched”. Our spirit is holy and is untouchable! While the EGO it is very touchy. If somebody just looks at you in a certain way, the EGO not you get mad and it is touched. IT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT WE SE AND RECOGNISE THE DIFFERENCES.
He has not done anything. If somebody smiles a little, it is touched; if somebody just turns his head and does not look at you, it is touched. In many occasions we get mad in our day, but why? Do you know? Who is in control, you/our EGO or you as a holy part of God’s creation?

He (the EGO) it is like a wound that is open. You touch it and the pain arises. Many times with only the whisper in our ears of a single word, or a single gesture and he is mad! These actions of his (EGO) turn into an energy that orders and affects our nerves system and our will.

Ha-ha-ha, because of this you always blame or think that the others is/are responsible, that he/she has wounded you. No, you carry your wound, and it was just created by the fake you, your EGO! With the ego your whole being is a wound. And you carry it around. Nobody is interested in hurting you, nobody is positively waiting to hurt you; everybody is engaged in safeguarding his own wound. But still it happens, because you are so ready to be wounded, so ready, just waiting on the brink for anything.  Well let’s take control and let’s stop him today!

When we start on the path of spiritual enlighten we recognize the TAO/DAO or the philosophy that is in every aspect of the creation!  When we live in this practice we are aware of what is happening and this permit us to be untouchables!   Why? -- Because there is no one to be touched. There is no wound. He is healthy, healed, and whole. This word 'whole' is beautiful, is powerfully and empower us to take control, to love some more and to live plenty free of outer controls. The word 'heal' comes from 'whole', and the word 'holy' also comes from 'whole'. He is whole, healed, and holy.

Be aware of your wound. Don't help it to grow, let it be healed; and it will be healed only when you move to the roots. The less the head, the more the wound will heal -- with no head there is no wound. Live a headless life. Move as a total being, and accept things. Therefore, we eliminated in a slow, very slow process the SATAN in us. Remember the WORD-SATAN (Hebrew: הַשָׂטָן ha-Satan), "the accuser", is the title of various entities, both human and divine, who challenge the faith of humans in the Hebrew Bible. In Christianity and Islam the title became a personal name, and "Satan" changed from an accuser appointed by God to test men's faith to the chief of the rebellious fallen angels ("the devil" in Christianity, "Shaitan" in Arabic, the term used by Arab Christians and Muslims).So in other words there are many forms of Ego’s or Fallen angels.

Satan is NOT the fallen angel but is that evil part of you and me that is always affecting us.

Did I catch your attention!  Now let me explain what I mean by that.

In the 7th century B.C. Esarhadden the Assyrian Emperor, carried the 10 tribes of Israel captive to Assyria.  At that time Samaria and Galilee were repopulated with Assyrians so that Northern Aramaic became the language of that region.  Before Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judea, the Assyrian language spread and was spoken everywhere.

2 Kings 18: 26 says "Then said Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh, Speak, I pray thee, to thy servants in the Aramaic language; for we understand it: and talk not with us in the Jews' language in the ears of the people that are on the wall."

About 480 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar carried Judah away into Babylonian captivity.  During their time in Babylon, they forgot the Hebrew language, and Southern Aramaic became their daily language.  Scholars tell us that there are some differences in dialect between the Northern and Southern Aramaic, which is why some of the Jews who spoke the Southern Aramaic didn't always understand the parables of Jesus, who grew up speaking the Northern Aramaic.

From the very beginning, all sacred writings were in Aramaic.  Hebrew is a later dialect of Aramaic.  The first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch or Torah, were not written down until the time of the Babylonian Captivity, 500-600 B.C. and they were written in Aramaic, later translated to Hebrew.   Moses was also NOT the author of them; he was already dead by the time they were written down.  In the 3rd century B.C. the scriptures were translated into Greek because the Alexandrian Jews could not understand Aramaic.  When this was done, many of the meanings of the idioms were lost.

Idioms are a problem for the student of any foreign language.  We have a lot of idioms in English that give foreign students trouble.  Ones like "He's in a pickle" or "He's in a jam" or other such phrases whose meanings are not literal.  Aramaic, like most languages, has many idioms.  When the translation was made from Aramaic to Greek, those who spoke Greek did not understand the idioms and their meanings were lost or misinterpreted.

In James 1:4, it says "But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."  In this verse, patience is given a personality.  It is referred to as a she.  Now no one would believe that this verse in any way is implying that patience is an actual person, divine or otherwise.  It is just a figure of speech, giving personality to a concept or set of ideas.

Another example is Proverbs 1:23.  "Wisdom cried without; she uttered her voice in the streets."  Here wisdom is given a personality, a female one, and it is even implied that she is given movement and a voice.

This tradition of giving personality to a concept or idea is often used in Eastern writing.  We forget that Christianity and The Bible are Eastern in origin and influence.  We pride ourselves on Christianity be "Western" and we look at anything Eastern as being pagan, or close to it.  We need to realize that Christianity is AN EASTERN RELIGION.  The Western church has, in many instances, changed Christianity into something that does not even resemble the original.

Now, I have given the two examples above to show you how figures of speech can be used in a way that is not literal, and give personality to a concept.  In the original Aramaic language, which Jesus spoke and understood, and which was commonly spoken at the time of Christ, the word Satan was considered a figure of speech, a personality that was given to a concept, the concept of evil intent or opposition. 

SATAN WAS NOT CONSIDERED TO BE A REAL BEING.  For instance, Luke 10:18 in which Jesus says "I beheld Satan as lightening fall from heaven," the Aramaic idioms would translate the concept of Satan falling from heaven as "evil destroyed."  The word Satan itself means "to slide, to mislead, to slip; to miss the mark."  In other words, Jesus was saying that his coming has destroyed the concept of sin and evil.

The word Heavens or the kingdom of heavens refers to the mind and its state of conciseness.

Isaiah 53:5 says that when Jesus came, he would take away sin and iniquity.  When he came, he changed our understanding of sin.  We used to think of sin as wrongdoing, as evil, as transgression of the law.  Jesus came to take away and fulfill the law so that sin is no longer wrongdoing.  He came to show us that if we think of our mistakes in that way, we might as well be living under that law of condemnation.  He destroyed sin....he changed our view of why we must make mistakes and what they accomplish.  Just as the trying of our faith works patience, every challenge we must face is an opportunity to learn.

Remember that in this universe, for every action there is an equal reaction.  The scripture calls this the law of sowing and reaping.  "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously" (2 Corinthians 9:6).  This verse teaches that every action we take has a consequence.  You will reap what you sow.  If you are involved in a challenging situation, the action you take will determine the consequence you must bear.  Your punishment for choosing a "wrong" course of action has to live with the consequences.  However, no matter which course of action you choose, there is always enlightenment at the end because you learn something.

Hell was also not a literal place in Aramaic.  In Matthew 5:22, "hell fire" is translated as "mental suffering."  In Matthew 16:18, the "gates of hell" are translated as "evil forces, or opposition."  Sheol was translated simply as "a resting place for the dead" but not a place of torment.  Hell was used to refer to what one experiences on earth, the mental suffering that goes along with making wrong choices.  In this way, the "punishment" for our sins is the consequences of our own actions.  We needn't fear this will be held against us in the afterlife because we are receiving the punishment for it now.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live. For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself; and hath given him authority to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of man. Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice,  And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation" (John 5:24-29).

Once again, this is a spiritual resurrection, not a physical resurrection.  The same body is not going to come forth from the grave.  After death, the spirit will have another life.  If we have learned the lessons we are supposed to learn, we pass on to another dimension of existence, a better life.  If we did not learn the lessons we were meant to learn, we must stay in this dimension of existence and repeat life until we learn our appointed lessons.
According to Hebrews 10:14, when Jesus made the sacrifice to come here and experience everything we did, and sacrificed his very life to show us the way, it made us perfect already, even if we don't do everything right.  The last part of the verse, however, indicates that our life here on earth is still a process that perfects us, or gets us closer to the perfection he has already bestowed.  It's kind of like this.....let's say you were contacted one day and told that you had just been discovered to heir to the throne of a particular country.  You moved to that country, and were given the power, position, and wealth deserved by a royal person.  However, even though you already had the position given to you, you had no idea how to act the role.  You didn't know how a king is supposed to act, or what a king's duties really are, etc.  So even though you had been given the place, you had to learn to walk in your position.  That's what we do every day.  We cannot be lost....there is no hell.....but we CAN be doomed to a life of mental suffering because of the consequences of our actions.  However, if we believe in Jesus, we can walk as he did and learn to perfect the holiness he has already placed within us, that has been within us from our creation.

My hope is that every person will stop worrying about Satan, sin and hell.  This really frees a person to do good works for the right reasons rather than because of fear.  I also hope that people will study the Aramaic idioms so that they can truly know their Bibles.  Just remember, the Bible is written in an EASTERN style, with the influence of all the Eastern beliefs and customs.  It is only people of the West that have interpreted the Bible in a style of condemnation


Just for twenty-four hours, try it – total acceptance, whatsoever happens. Be you self, the persona that you are meet to be. Not someone else! If someone insults you, accept it, don't react, observed what happens. Suddenly you will feel an energy flowing in you that you have not felt before.

People can waste their whole life over a small thing, just because someone insulted them.
Don't help this wound to grow. Don't make this wound to mark your soul. Go to the roots, be with the whole. For twenty-four hours, just twenty- four hours, try not to react, not to reject, whatsoever happens.

Nobody else can destroy us, it’s only us, yes, you; nobody else can, except you. You are the Judas and you are the Jesus, WE ARE ANGELS AND DEMONS, who are you going to decide to be today?  When you stand before God’s, you cannot say, "But I was told by others to do thus," or that virtue was not convenient at the time. This will not suffice. Remember that. A king may move a man, a father may claim a son, but that man can also move himself, and only then does that man truly begin his own game. Remember that howsoever you are played or by whom, your soul is in your keeping alone, even though those who presume to play you be kings or men of power.

A better world than has ever been seen. A kingdom of conscious. A kingdom of heaven, awaits us… You and I are not what we/you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be. “It is one light which beams out of a thousand stars. It is one soul which animates all men.” “Let us unlearn our wisdom of the world…and learn that truth alone makes rich and great.” “Nothing will bring you peace but yourself. Nothing will bring you peace but the triumph of principles.”


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Un Universo Perfecto Creado en Matematica Sagrada.

El universo es perfecto y la mejor manera de demostrarlo es la exactitud matemática y geometría que existe en todo. Este video muestra esa perfección a través de leyes y factores científicos para todo aquel que piense que el universo podría ser de alguna manera un accidente. En el existen un orden impecable que no podría variar ni un grado en todo lo creado. Si esto sucediera la vida y la evolución serian afectadas de tal manera que todo dejaría de existir. Les invito a ver este video hermoso con música espectacular que nos hará sorprendernos de lo perfecto que es el universo.

By Jnanananda

Friday, May 27, 2011

Love, Honor, Devotion to Duty, Sacrifice

This weekend, we pay homage to those who placed themselves on the Altar of Freedom for love of God and Country. Memorial Day is a time for remembrance, reflection, and respect—for honoring the men and women who gave their lives in service to a better humanity (and Nation).

On the last Monday of May each year, we observe moments of silence and moments of tribute to acknowledge the sacrifices by these brave few for principles greater than self. In answering their calls to duty across the world... these American men and women stood their ground, held back the dark forces of oppression and destruction, and advanced our founding principles, ideals, beliefs, and values about the right of self-determination. They cherished liberty and loved freedom enough to lay down their lives to preserve our way of life.

Many lie in final rest in our national cemeteries. Whether at Gettysburg, one of our country’s first national cemeteries, or at Washington Crossing, our most recent dedication, each VA national cemetery is a sacred place of honor befitting the great deeds and sacrifices of the Fallen and their families.

Also, is a moment to thank all living veterans... each and every day they continue to safe keep and maintain our freedoms!

More than 3.7 million Americans—Veterans of every war and conflict, from our Revolution to the Global War on Terror—have been laid to rest in these hallowed shrines. The quiet serenity, pristine nature, and strict adherence to time-honored Service traditions make our cemeteries the healing places where families and friends can remember and honor those who gave, in President Lincoln’s words, “the last full measure of devotion.”

This Memorial Day, a Nation at war prays for peace and the safe return of our brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, even as it exacts justice from those who trampled our most cherished principles. Now, as then, in addition to our prayers and meditations for peace, we pray for the families of the Fallen. We pray for the safe keep of the living. With these in mind we raise our eyes and arms and call upon the Great Arquitect of the Universe so we continued receiving his blessings, protection, wisdom and love on this great and wonderful country of ours. Godspeed!

"So mote it be" :.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Por que deseamos el Boton No Me Gusta!

Hace algunos días ocurrió un infección de el virus no me gusta. Podíamos ver en nuestras paredes de perfil como 5 o 6 personas habían intentado activar esta aplicación en sus perfiles. Al parecer vivir en un Facebook sin conflictos no era para ellos, necesitaban condenar aquello que no pudiera ser del agrado de lo que conocen, creen o les brinda satisfacción. Pero al parecer una mano invisible les dio una palmaditas y en vez de proveerles con el botón no me gusta le proveyó con un virus que quien sabe que información pudo substraer de aquellos que piensan que Facebook sería un mundo mejor con el botón No Me Gusta.

Realmente no creo que sea necesario ese tipo de Botón en Facebook pienso que limitaría la opinión de aquellos que quieren compartir su visión de mundo si estos no son lo suficiente valiente para expresarla sin importar que. El botón no me gusta se traduce hoy en día con el no opinar y no apoyar el comentario pensamiento, articulo, video o cualquier otra cosa que se puede compartir en Facebook con el botón me gusta. La mayoría de nosotros tenemos más de 100 usuarios y al menos que seamos una celebridad ni un .001% comento o presiona me gusta en lo que compartimos.

No importa las razones si son económicas por no afectar los anunciantes y sus productos o de ser una red positiva que evita el conflicto entre sus usuarios. Creo que es de suma importancia que el botón No me gusta no sea nunca implantado en facebook. Es mejor que todos podamos ser lo que somos sin pensar que nos pueden juzgar y siempre es mejor guardar silencio que ofender al prójimo porque nuestra condicionamientos personales no nos permiten ver el mundo desde la perspectiva del otro. Así que si no están de acuerdo con este articulo pueden comentar que No les Gusta los seguiré amando de igual manera.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why are we so scared to fail?

Many times I ask my self this question… How do I (we) define failure? Well the book definition is “the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective, and may be viewed as the opposite of success” I say that is bull... From my point if view failure is the formula that elevates us to the next level… it makes us stronger. Nobody gets everything perfect on the first time.

I have made so many mistakes in my life and each and every one of them has made me not only a stronger person but a better one. It’s good to put this into perspective daily. Even though I usually tell people this message, I forget it myself from time to time. These words always make my day to a brighter start... I really believe that “you don't fail if you fall; you fail if you are not scared to fall and by doing so you don't try so you never get up”. “If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived”. It’s a good reminder because as we live our day-to-day life, we tend to forget this very important message.

Our misconception comes from earlier stage in our lives. We have programmed our own brain to think that everyone that succeeds has had nothing but luck all their life and that they had it easy. At the end of the day we can’t blame anyone other that our self’s. The reality is that is all about the learning attitude and experiences… and the formula is easy fall X the times that we get up = success.

The truth is everyone has failed miserably, so what! Failing is a part of life. We all experience it. We’ve all failed, and guess what; we will continue to fail, because we absolutely need it to succeed. Failing is trying. Without trying we never have a shot at succeeding. The reality is that the quicker you can deal with failure, the quicker you are ready for new success… and each time that you fail your success is bigger and better.

Each failure is a building block to success. If we give up in life you will never be able to deal with failure… many of us after one of these events never try again. Nothing can happen without action. Life is all about action and taking risks... some risk we accept some we mitigate... but again is all about the experience.

Also, accepting is not expecting! You should never expect to fail. The ones that expect to fail guess what attract and create their wishes, and they fail. You can be logical and accept that the possibility of failure does exist, but you can be confident in your chances to avoid such failure. This is crucial, as you do not want to become a habitual failure.

Without failure, how sweet would success be? How can success be appreciated, without knowing the opposite feeling? I’m thinking of the closest example of these… over-privileged kids that had everything handed to them. Just knowing that even if you do fail, you will get over it, and that it won’t destroy you is so empowering that simply having that frame of mind increases your chances of success even more.

What to do if you fail? You aren’t going to succeed every time you try something new. While most of us realize this logically, that doesn’t mean we take this truth to our hearts. When we’ve tried really hard to try to get something in our lives, we want to succeed – and when we don’t, it’s disastrous to our self worth and our confidence. But does it have to be? Failure doesn’t have to be a negative when you realize the value of falling down once in a while.

Failure is the best option if you want to win! If we paraphrase Thomas Edison, about the invention of light bulb he said:  “I didn't fail, I found 2,000 ways how not to make a light bulb; I only need to find one way to make it work”. Contradictory to what society propaganda say’s. If you never failed, you’d never know what success is and the effect that has in your life!

People who are successful have experienced failure. The difference between “failures” and successful people are that the successful people tried one more thing, one more time or a combination! It can be painful to your ego and it can be humbling. Well that is exactly what we need to do; to be humble and to eliminate the EGO. It can hurt your bank account and it definitely teaches you lessons (if you are willing to learn), but the more things you try, the more things you will be able to do. The more things you can do the more successful you will be. 

I’m reminded of the little quote I was told when I was younger: “If at first you don’t succeed, try and try again.” Let’s be excited to embark on new adventures and experiences without being scared of potential failures and without focusing on past mistakes and mishaps.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The power of our thoughts

Why Are Affirmations So Powerful?

Because we are always talking to ourselves, even when we think we aren’t. This inner talk is in the form of dialogues AND affirmations. The dialogues usually have a few affirmations embedded in it. It goes like this:

“Oh, I forgot to call Mark! My memory is terrible.”
“Tomorrow is the job interview, I’m scared to death.”
“The doctor told me to lose ten pounds. He doesn’t know how hard it is for me to lose weight.”

As you can see, each of the phrases above contains a negative affirmation.

Unfortunately, the mind interprets these affirmations literally and actually converts them to specific instructions. During the course of a day, we have thousands of inner dialogues. If most of these have a pessimistic tone, imagine how negatively our minds are being programmed.

If you are a positive person by nature, you may find it hard to believe that some people can spend most of their waking time thinking self-destructive thoughts, but that is a sad reality. And, nowadays, due to environmental, social and economic factors, most people rehearse at least a few hundred negative thoughts each day.

These thoughts, as time goes, form your “core frequency”, that is, the state in which you find yourself more frequently. The frightening part is; your core frequency will dictate your experiences in the external world.

Have you ever heard about the “accident-prone” person, or the one who just attracts aggressive people, or those who seem to fail at everything they do?

There’s obviously a pattern that can be found in the thinking process of these “low frequency” people. If they analyze their inner dialogues, and visualizations, they will comprehend why they keep on attracting negative situations in their lives.

It is general consensus that negative dialogues and affirmations originate from past experiences and our upbringing. Past programming is the foundation of who we are today. The good news, however, is that we don’t necessarily have to search and dig the subconscious for traumatic past events or situations that caused the harmful programs in the first place.

The human mind works at a quantum level where time and space become irrelevant, just concepts that do not impose the order of events and experiences. That’s why we can explain a trauma or phobia, for example.

The strong reactions that we have to a phobic stimulus are, on the surface, unjustifiable. How come do I have to sweat and tremble every time I see a snake, even if it is inside a cage, or in a movie? The answer is; because my subconscious mind is reliving the actual “snake bite scene” as if it was happening NOW. And so it goes with any trauma or phobia. The original event still exists at a quantum level of consciousness, and its reactivation by a stimulus will make the body react accordingly. All the notions of time and space become invalid at that moment. The body reacts as if it IS really experiencing the situation in the present.

So, to repair the effects of negative past conditioning, we must work at the level in which it was created in the first place, that is, the causal realm of consciousness.

Enter Affirmations

Affirmations have the power to weaken the energy field of a negative habit, trauma or phobia, and, eventually transform its polarity. That is why mental imagery and affirmations are becoming so popular, even among traditional health practitioners.

Back to the snake example, if I were to start affirming: “I feel calm and peaceful in the presence of snakes”, I would be first challenging, then “confusing” my subconscious mind. This process, with time, would act upon the quantum level of consciousness and actually modify my memory of the traumatic event (the bite).

In the book “I deserve love”, by Sondra Ray, she shares the experience of several of her sexual therapy clients who overcame their problems just by using affirmations. She did not have to take them through remembering past events or traumas. All she did was to give affirmations that counteracted their beliefs and thoughts at that moment.

I myself have been using affirmations since I learned it from my first mental science teacher in Brazil. The results still surprise me sometimes. Following I will share some of the META affirmations I give to my “holistic consulting” clients, as well as the best way to perform this wonderfully psychotherapeutic exercise.

Affirmations vs. Visualization

Before we continue, I just want to answer a question that I am asked over and over again. Many people inquire about the power of affirmations compared to full visualization of their goals.

My personal opinion is that we should start our mental reprogramming practice with affirmations. Why, many people aren’t able to visualize their goals clearly, especially if they are in a negative frequency. Besides, affirmations are easy to do, anytime, anywhere. It also does not require you to close your eyes or go into “alpha” state.

Once you have practiced the affirmation as I share in this chapter, they will become like “anchors”, so, just by remembering the phrase, you will enter in the desired frequency and state of mind. Once that specific frequency becomes part of your consciousness, it is yours forever.


Before going into details, I want you to try something very easy. Stop for a moment and start saying to yourself mentally:

“I am feeling GREAT!”

Do it for about 30 seconds or so.

If you repeat the affirmation above, two things may happen; first, you may actually start feeling an overall sense of wellbeing (whatever GREAT means for you). Secondly, you may receive subconscious feedback in the form of challenging thoughts that go like this:

“No, I’m NOT feeling any “great” at this moment”
“I am depressed”
“This is not true”, etc.

The two reactions are normal, specially the second one, when you have been in a negative frequency for too long. As you will experience, after a longer period of repeating such a phrase, the negative challenges will start to be less frequent, until they are completely overcome by the new “instructions”.

It is simple, isn’t it? The most powerful techniques of Applied Psycho-Energetics are simple, so simple that many people underestimate it.

The only way for you to really experience the power of positive affirmations is through dedicated practice until you can feel the benefits. They may come almost immediately, or they may materialize in a few days or weeks. No matter how long it takes for a new affirmation to become part of your consciousness, it is worth the effort.

I have successfully used the simple exercise above (“I am feeling GREAT!” Affirmation) to help people recover from major hangovers, ease pains and headaches, alleviate tension, etc.

Once people realize that no “complex 100-step elicitation techniques”, or “hidden practices” are needed to alleviate their past programming, they become addicted to the simplicity of affirmations and start taking charge of their thinking processes. This consequently leads to the higher state of consciousness that is so sought after by neophytes.

But, before entering the realm of higher states of consciousness, let’s take care of our more “mundane” needs.

The first step in “affirmation engineering”, is to have a powerful phrase to practice. Below I will provide you with a few phrases that I call META affirmations. They are general statements that have been used by many of my private and distant clients. These META affirmations have consistently delivered positive results, and are more than enough to keep you busy for a couple of months.

Affirmation for general well-being and health:

“Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” (This is the famous phrase taught by Emile Coue, called by some “the father of self-suggestion.)

Affirmation for an improved self-image:

“I love myself, and I have the ability to recognize my worth as a human being” (From “Secrets of Personal magnetism Revealed”).

Affirmation for health and rejuvenation:

“My health is PERFECT, and each day I become healthier and younger”

Affirmations for a prosperity consciousness:

“I easily make $________ a week/month/year, and all my needs are well taken care of.”
(Fill in with the amount that you desire)

“I am open to the infinite universal supply, and I see opportunities everywhere I look.”

Affirmation for peace:

“I now live in peace with myself and everything around me”

Affirmation for forgiveness:

“I forgive myself and all people who may have contributed to _______________” (state the problem in the blank line)

Now that you have a few affirmations, I’ll teach you a simple practice to multiply its power and speed its materialization in your life.

Along my years of working with affirmation engineering, I found out that WRITING the affirmations helps multiply its power. My theory is that by writing, we are engaging several aspects of our consciousness.

When we write an affirmation, we are using our kinesthetic system, which could be a form of programming at a cellular level. We also use our sight, by reading the affirmation over and over again. We use our auditory system, by silently repeating the phrase, and finally, we use our imagination, for many people think about or visualize their goals along the process.

We are actually focusing our whole system during the process of writing an affirmation, which, in my view, is what helps us to multiply its power.

I usually advise my clients to use their own handwriting, although Mrs. Ray (“I deserve love”) suggests that we could use a typewriter or computer. I personally believe that handwriting is more effective; however, you should try whatever feels better for you.

You should try to write your affirmation at least ten times a day. If possible, write it ten times in the morning, and ten times in the evening, for quicker results.

You can definitely repeat the phrase mentally several times during the day; however, the writing part is essential. Do not underestimate the power of this simple practice; it will most certainly take your Psycho-Energetic reprogramming routine to a higher level.

So, what are you waiting for? Get a piece of paper and a pen and start redesigning your destiny.

Prosperity Beliefs

By this point, you understand that the key secrets to attracting unlimited prosperity lie within your belief systems. Whatever you believe about yourself affects practically everything in your life. Obviously, there is more to attracting prosperity than just working with your belief systems, but please understand that your belief systems are the most important aspect of attracting anything into your life.

That’s why it is absolutely critical that you do everything you can to shape your beliefs into whatever pattern you wish to create in your life. And since we know that you want to create prosperity in your life, the following beliefs will serve you better than anything else.

Within the next few chapters, you will discover various ways that you can alter your belief systems to create greater prosperity in your life. As you work with each of those ideas, you will want to focus on the following list of beliefs.

1. There are no limits.
2. Money is immaterial.
3. There is unlimited potential for growth.
4. Prosperity is natural.
5. I am worthy.
6. Abundance is my right.
7. I can get anything I want.
8. Everything I want is already on it's way to me now.
9. It's ALL Good. Life is Wonderful! la vida es buena " Llarod Hernaiz"
10. Ideas & information are worth much more than labor or possessions.
11. God is helping me.
12. I am destined for greatness.
13. Only the best will do.
14. I enjoy learning and improving myself.
15. I agree with Abraham Lincoln who said "If I only had 6 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend 4 hours sharpening the axe."
16. I constantly strive for excellence.
17. I enjoy trying new things.
18. I stretch my abilities by putting myself into situations where I need to perform at a higher level.
19. I have an infinite potential for learning.
20. I can learn and understand anything.
21. I do my best to give the world what it needs most.
22. The more I benefit the world, the more prosperous I become.
23. My prosperity is a garden that I tend to regularly.
24. I eliminate all risks by preparing myself as well as I can.
25. There is no such thing as luck. Luck is simply the result of conditions that may be controlled.
26. I am the only one in control over my destiny. I am at no-one's mercy.
27. I am the center of the universe. Everything revolves around me.
28. I work to create income streams.
29. There is no limit to the number of income streams I may have.
30. Selling my time or labor is very limiting. I only have so much time to sell.
31. I create businesses that continue to earn a profit after I move off to other things.
32. I create my income sources quickly so that I may be more prosperous.
33. I limit my expenses while I create my income sources so that I may build my prosperity stronger.
34. Luxuries are fine when there is enough income to support them.
35. I enjoy the challenge of creating new things.
36. I like other people. I want to do what I can to make them happy.
37. I seek to understand the world and the people in it.
38. The more I understand, the more prosperous I become.
39. Understanding and wisdom are the foundations upon which I build my world.
40. If I don't have what I need, I can get it from someone else.
41. If I don't know something, I can find the information from somewhere or someone.
42. If I can't do a thing, I can find someone who can do it.
43. I can hire other people to do the work that needs to be done.
44. I can build a successful business even though I know nothing about it, since I can hire others who do know.
45. I would rather utilize 1% of the efforts of 1000 people than to use 100% of my own efforts.
46. As a leader, I am more powerful.
47. I can do bigger things with a team.
48. People want to be led; they feel more secure when following a good leader.
49. I lead others because that is what must be done in order to accomplish my goals.
50. Meet others where they are, in thought and in beliefs. Only by starting there may I lead them to a better way of thinking.
51. People respond when they feel that it is in their best interests to do so.
52. People cooperate when they feel that the benefits to them are worth the effort.
53. He who controls the mind is more powerful than he who only controls the body.
54. No matter how I feel, I project an image of confidence and authority.
55. Others respond to the image I project to them, not to my inner feelings.
56. The more confident I appear, the more I am able to persuade others.
57. Be relaxed around others. They sense the relaxation and relax themselves.
58. A man on a mission will not be stopped.
59. I commit myself to my goals 100%.
60. If the cause is worthy, I will never quit. I am not a quitter.
61. If I leave myself no way out, I will work harder.
62. To get others to work harder, inspire them to a higher purpose.
63. I show my team how valuable their work is.
64. Everything I want in life, I must get with the help of other people.
65. No one can do everything alone.
66. When I understand people, I am able to get more of what I want.
67. Anyone can go after the quick buck. It's much better to go after long term success.
68. People want things that they know other people want.
69. When something is in demand, the demand for it goes up.
70. People are easier to lead when they feel important.
71. If I can imagine myself doing something, I am halfway there.
72. The feelings of love and confidence within me act as a magnet for prosperity and all things good.
73. I get the sum total of my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
74. What I focus upon, I magnify in my life.
75. I maintain my focus upon the things I do want, not on the things I do not want.
76. I use creative daydreaming to train my mind to focus on the things I want.
77. There is always a way to learn more.
78. If someone needs to be antagonized, get someone else to do it.
79. The world gives me what I expect. I expect only the best.
80. There is always enough of the things I want, they come into my life without effort or thought.
81. I experience the equivalent of the thoughts and feelings I focus upon.
82. Focusing on positive thoughts and feelings will bring positive experiences.
83. Focusing on negative thoughts and feelings will bring negative experiences.
84. The past does not determine the future.
85. The point of Power is here and now.
86. I have the Power to determine the future.
87. The only failure is the failure to try.
88. As long as I continue to try, everything that did not work out as expected is only a learning experience.
89. When I have all the information I need to make a decision, I make that decision quickly and stand behind it to the end.
90. Quality always ends up being cheaper.
91. I can save money by buying something that costs twice as much but lasts three times longer.
92. Buying only the cheap stuff is false economy.
93. I love money.
94. I enjoy having money.
95. I feel good when I have money.
96. I am at peace with all people.
97. I completely forgive the human failings of others and myself.
98. I learn from those who know more than I so that I may duplicate their results.
99. Knowledge, wisdom, and understanding are powerful prosperity generators.
100. Anticipating future needs gives me the ability to prepare for rich rewards.
101. Being prepared is more than just a credo; it is a means to winning!
102. Any time wasted on indecision or anxious doubt costs me dearly.
103. God is very good to me.
104. I fulfill a vital function in the world.
105. God has made me as I am for a reason.
106. I have been put on this Earth for a purpose.
107. I have wonderful talents that may be used for great prosperity.
108. I act with confidence and Power.
109. Answers come to me quickly and easily.
110. The wisdom of God leads me along paths of truth and prosperity.
111. I love all of mankind.
112. Everyone has the potential to teach me something.
113. I can learn from every situation I encounter.
114. My mind perceives everything around me that may be used as an opportunity for greater prosperity.
115. I have a good mind.
116. My memory is good and improves day by day.
117. I think clearly and make sound judgments.
118. I keep my mind and body free from all poisons.
119. I abhor all forms of substance abuse and do not tolerate it.
120. I refuse to spend any time dwelling on negative thoughts.
121. I maintain my self-control and do not overindulge my appetites.
122. The first 15% of a process is the most important.
123. Make a good start, and the rest of the process will be easier.
124. Money is good. I love having money.
125. I make sure to have enough money on hand to pay all my expenses ahead of time.
126. I refuse to only 'get by'. I make sure to have more than enough.
127. I enjoy seeing my money grow.
128. Earning money feels good to me.
129. I am getting richer every day.
130. I am learning how to be more and more prosperous.
131. I have a unique purpose in the world.
132. I am valuable.
133. I ask myself questions like "How can I make this work to my advantage?" rather than questions like "Why did this happen?"
134. Jumping only half-way across the ditch won't get you to the other side.
135. One all-out effort will do more than a hundred half efforts.
136. If I want something, I put everything I have into getting it quickly.
137. I am very focused on attaining my goals.
138. Daydreaming about having more money conditions my mind to attract more money.
139. I know that my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs create my reality.
140. I choose to focus on the things I enjoy, knowing that I am manifesting my future experiences.
141. The more I am grateful for the things in my life, the more I will have to be grateful for.
142. The more I love the things I see, the more I will see the things I love.
143. The more people I can serve, the more money I can make.
144. Serving only a few people is the path to poverty.
145. I seek to create things that can be easily duplicated and sold for a good profit.
146. The best opportunities are the ones others are afraid to go after.
147. With enough help, I can handle anything.
148. The things that frighten me are not as bad as I think they are.
149. I have more ability than I realize.
150. I am a strong and capable person.
151. I want to make my mark upon the world.
152. I want to leave the world a better place than what I found.
153. I'd rather do one thing that can help a thousand people than to only help one person at a time.
154. I focus my time and energy on creating prosperity and enjoying life.
155. I refuse to take on other people's projects unless there is some value in it for me.
156. I do not allow others to pressure me into doing something I'd rather not do.
157. I refuse to feel guilty because someone wants something that I do not want to give them.
158. I have no problem saying 'no' to anyone.
159. I can get more done when I am working with a proven system.
160. I prefer to operate with systems in place so that everything is organized and I can be productive.
161. The best businesses are those that take care of themselves.
162. The best way to make money is to find a large group of people with a definite need and provide that need profitably.
163. The best people to sell a new product to are customers who have already purchased similar products.
164. Wealth is created by solving problems.

You may have to spend some time to think about the implications of what some of these beliefs really mean. There is a lot of information here, too much to fully explain in this note. I encourage you to expand your education as far as you can.